Senin, 29 November 2010

Pull and Push

Hiii^^ this time I post about the Pull and Push trick. This trick is very easy to master. Wanna know? Check this out.

Pull and Push
The Pull and Push is an easy and very useful soccer trick. You can use the Pull and Push to evade an opponent or to change direction quickly.
There are many variations on the Pull and Push move. You can customize it yourself. On this page, you'll find the basic Pull and Push.
You can use the Pull and Push in a slow dribble or from a stationary position.

Step 1
When you face an opponent, put the sole of your foot on the ball.
Step 2
Pull the ball back.
Step 3
Knock (push) the ball in the direction you want to go with the outside or inside of the foot you used for the move.
Step 4
Dribble away.

That's it. So easy, huh? ;)

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