Kamis, 25 November 2010

Pull back and Stepover

Hi^^ now I posted about another tricks of soccer. In this post, I just tell you 2 tricks.

1. Pull Back
The Pull Back is a very simple, but effective move. There are lots of variations on the Pull Back that are also very easy to learn and execute. The Pull Back is very effective if you're cornered.
You've probably used the Pull Back without knowing it. The Pull Back is used a lot in professional soccer and it's very easy to practice.
Step 1
Put your foot on the ball and pull it backwards.
Step 2
Your body should now be between the ball and your opponent. You're facing the ball.
Step 3
Dribble away.

2. Stepover
The Stepover is a simple soccer feint move that fakes out your opponent. The Stepover is an unpredictable move that's used by lots of soccer players.
You can use the Stepover in a dribble or in a stationary position.
Don't overuse the Stepover, or else your opponent will see through you.
Step 1
Get the ball in front of you. Swing one foot around the ball, from inside to outside.
Step 2
Lean to the left if you use your left foot. Or lean to the right if you use your right foot.
Step 3
Use your other foot to knock the ball past your opponent. You usually knock the ball with the outside of your foot. So if you did step 1 with your right foot, you knock the ball left past your opponent with the outside of your left foot.
Step 4
Dribble away.

That's all. Thanks for reading^^

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